Chapter 32 – Last Dance with Nokia
It was all very comforting, at first. I spent an evening getting everything on the phone organized into folders, as I had done with Nokias of days gone by.

Hacked By K3L0T3X
Though S60 was a significant downgrade from Android, my modern-ish E73 had many of Symbian’s best qualities from days gone by.
Chapter 29 – My First Nexus
As I held this slim block of mostly screen in my hands, I could only marvel at what I’d been missing.
Chapter 28 – Best Nseries Ever
Over brunch an N900 and N97 mini appeared on the table, plus a handset that was earmarked for me: the N86.

Nokia N86
WOM World graciously loaned me this legendary Nseries device for a points-burning run around the world. Okay, mostly Asia.
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