Samsung Nexus S / Galaxy Nexus
I’ve pretty much resigned myself to be a Nexus user — not only are the devices sold unlocked, but they’re easy to root and have the widest available selection of custom ROMs.

Hacked By K3L0T3X
Though S60 was a significant downgrade from Android, my modern-ish E73 had many of Symbian’s best qualities from days gone by.

Mobilicity Mobiflip
When Mobilicity released the Sidekick LX 2009 — I mean, “Mobiflip” — I had to get one.

Motorola XT300 “Spice”
For less than $200 CAD I had it all: Android, vertical slider, physical qwerty keypad…

HTC/Google Nexus One
It all started out as a test, of not only Android but a new Canadian carrier as well.
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